Vintage Chanel red small classic flap bag

I’m definitely a HUGE fan of Chanel Classic Flaps. After getting my Vintage Chanel black Classic flap bag in the small size, I knew I had to have it in red. It’s such a bright color and has become super rare, as there aren’t many bags in this color available on the market. Of course, it had to be vintage, so I started my research to find one in immaculate condition. It took quite a while, but I hunted down the perfect one.

Learning: I always recommend learning as much as possible about these bags before making a purchase. It’s crucial to know every detail to avoid any undesirable surprises because they are quite pricey and there are many dishonest people reselling these bags.

Why Vintage? The appeal is simple: you pay a fraction of the retail cost while getting the highest quality. The craftsmanship on these bags is outstanding, and they come with 24K gold-plated hardware, making them true jewels.

Size and Features: I initially wanted the medium size but ended up with the small size because I got an amazing opportunity. I prefer colorful bags in this size. Despite being small, they are quite spacious. I can comfortably fit my iPhone 15 Pro Max, a cardholder, my key holder, two lipsticks, a hand sanitizer, and still have some space for my AirPods.

Price: Be aware that even though vintage bags are cheaper than retail, their prices are expected to rise with each global price increase for Classic Flaps. Vintage bags aren’t exactly cheap either.

Buying Process: This is crucial when buying a high-end luxury bag, especially a vintage one, as counterfeit pieces are common on second-hand platforms, including vintage items. I chose Vinted, and at that time, the authentication service wasn’t available. It was a risky decision, but it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I was confident in my ability to authenticate Chanel pieces myself.

Delivery: It took nine days to receive the package. Since I bought it from a private seller, it took a bit longer. I remember being anxious because the bag was sent by the local post office, and my signature wasn’t even required for delivery. Even though I paid for the standard insurance offered by the platform, I was unsure how smooth the process would be in case the package got lost, including potential delays in getting a refund. It was quite risky on all levels.

Care and Protection: If you’re thinking of getting this bag, you need to know they are very delicate, especially in bright colors. They can easily suffer discoloration if exposed to sunlight for too long. Be extra careful when handling it due to the smooth lambskin leather, which can get scratched easily. Avoid exposing it to rain, as the leather can get stained. Lastly, I advise stuffing the bag with tissue paper to maintain its shape and storing it in its dust bag.

Cons: The biggest con for me is the strap length. You need to have a very petite frame to wear it as a crossbody bag. I’m limited to wearing it as a shoulder bag. However, you can use adapters to elongate the strap if needed. Another downside is the price—it’s quite expensive, and prices continue increasing each year.

Would I Buy It Again? Absolutely, yes. I would buy it again, but probably not under the same conditions. It was a great deal and the bag was like new, but the stress wasn’t worth it. Thankfully, everything turned out well, but it was too risky for such an expensive purchase. If you’re planning to make a big purchase like this, I highly recommend platforms like Vestiaire Collective. Ebay and Vinted that now offers authentication services, so I believe both are good options.

Styling My Classic Flap: When using colorful bags, I prefer to keep my outfit very simple in neutral colors to avoid a busy look. However, I like to play with textures and silhouettes to make my outfit stand out while letting the boldness of the bag be the main element. Once again, I believe Vintage Chanel Classic bags are the crème de la crème. They bring so much sophistication and coolness to any outfit. This red one is undoubtedly a stunning pop of color that makes me feel unique every time I take her out.
